Design Registration

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What is Design Regestration?

‘Design’ includes configuration, shape, pattern or color or a combination applied to any article by any industrial process which when finished appeals to the eyes. Companies spend a quality amount of time and resources in creating designs so that they remain distinctive in the marketplace against the competitors. Thus, it becomes important for the companies to move legally in order to protect the designs, against getting imitated by third parties.
Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks is the department in charge of registration of the industrial design.
The design registration in India is prolonged and a layman would easily get perplexed looking at the process. A to Z Services has an excellent panel of experts who could help you solve all queries related to design registration and guide you through the legal way to safeguard the creation.

How will A To Z Services Help in Design Registration?

Let us take you through the design registration procedure in India:


Step 1

Research is an important aspect so as to get acknowledged whether the subjected design has not been previously registered by anyone else. We would lessen this task with our expertise in this particular domain.

Step 2

Once it gets confirmed about the availability we would get into the basics i.e. filing an application attested with all the details including applicant’s name, description of the article, class, claim of novelty, etc One has to enclose the drawings/images of the article.

Step 3

The application along with the details are later recorded with the Register of Designs which is an important document maintained by The Patent Office. All details including design number, class number, date of filing, mane and address of the proprietor are kept safely.

Step 4

Every design is tenured for 10 years which can be extended up to 5 more years. A to Z Services help you in filing an application for the same creation in another country under Paris Convention.

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